説明 Gaydar 360 is a comedy gimmick application Have fun and fool your friends with your Android phone and Gaydar 360 App! Use the discreet 360 degree targeting system to pick a target in a room, and then use the app to magically find the gay in the room! 'oooooh matron!' Ideal prank when in the pub! |
説明 Gay Marriage News - Support Gay Marriage & Same Sex Marriage Rights. Gay Marriage News - Couples from around the World! Celebrate your relationship with other gay couples from around the World. Upload a photo of you and your significant other to our Worldwide Gallery and show your Pride. Show your commitment to equal rights to all humans! |
説明 Your Android just got hotter. The official Manhunt App lets you browse over 4 million gay/bi/curious men, find guys nearby and gives you access to your buddy list, track list and more. Use your existing account or join instantly for free! |
説明 男が夜な夜な楽しめる、風俗店、スナック・バーなどの情報を検索し閲覧できるアプリが登場しました。 自分の好みに合わせて業種を絞り込んで、お店の検索が可能です。 登録されているお店の業種は、ホテルヘルスやキャバクラなど様々。今後はDVD試写室やスーパー銭湯などのリラクゼーションスペースも登録されていく予定です。 GPSに連動しているので自分の現在地の近くにあるお店をピンポイントで検索できるので、飲み会後のお店探しや、時間つぶしに遊びに行きたい時に重宝するアプリになっています。 ピンをタップすると、お店の詳細情報が表示されます。ストリートビューやGoogleマップナビと連動して使ったり、公共交通機関での移動手段を調べるのにも便利です。 マップに店名表示されているお店はクーポンが掲載されていてオトクに遊ぶことができます。予約の電話をかけたりWebで詳しく調べるのにも便利です。 抽選用連絡先を設定することで、今後オトクなクーポンや割引が受けられる予定です。 是非ご登録ください。 |
説明 恋愛のことならラブックマにおまかせ! あなたの恋愛体質をラブックマがチェック!自分の恋愛体質ってなかなか分からないものですよね。このアプリでは、恋愛に関する問題20問に答えて、その結果を恋愛指数として表示します。(*メールアドレス等は不要です。)問題は、YES/NOで答えるものではなく、具体的な恋愛シチュエーションであなたならどう行動するか、という内容なので楽しみながら診断が出来ます。恋愛アドバイザーが作成した問題は、答えるごとに変わっていきます。最後には結果に応じたリコメンドも・・・。このアプリがあなたの素敵な恋愛に役立ちますように! |
説明 go2Gay, The International Gay Guide Go2gay is the best Android application to explore gay venues like gay hotels, gay apartments, gay guest houses, gay bars and clubs, gay restaurants, gay sauna's, mens clubs, cruising area's all over the world. With the new look and feel the go2Gay app is easier to use. |
説明 Find gay, bi or curious guys nearby with Bender, the location based cruising app. Bender is fast, unlimited, reliable ... and with message confirmation, you never need to worry about lost messages! Stay logged in even when Bender is closed, and with unlimited push messages you'll know straight away when you have messages waiting! Upload up to 5 photos, favourite guys you like so you always know when they are online, and use the advanced filter so you only see the kind of guys you are interested in! Free to download, free to use, and a quick and easy sign-up ... we don't ask for your email so discretion is guaranteed! Get connected! For men 18 years old and over. |
説明 u4Bear: The real gay bear network! + 1.700.000 users worldwide! u4Bear is the EXCLUSIVE social network for GAY BEARS and admirers. Find who is online, who is near you (geolocation) and start meeting people. You can publish unlimited photos on your profile, write as many messages as you want, knows who has looked at your profile and send woofs! Also we inform you of the best events and parties bear. 100% FREE! Now and forever. We offer all our services free of charge without subscription and without paying anything. |
説明 人の性的指向の実部と面白いテスター。チェックがどのように良いものは、男性と女性の間で区別することができます。テストするのセクシュアリティ。ニースのアプリはいくつかの自由な時間を過ごして。美しいセクシーな写真、女性、同性愛者の写真。いいえセックス、ポルノ、またはヌード。 A real and funny tester of person sexual orientation. Checks how good a one can distinguish between male and female. Test your sexuality. Nice app to spend some free time with. Beautiful sexy pictures, women and gay photo. No sex, porno, or nudity. |
説明 Gay and Lesbian Love Horoscope Free Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes. How does your love measure up? Is it real love or just lust, find out what the stars are promising you and whether you're hot to trot or a cold fish. It is updated continuously, and will EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK AND EVERY MONTH give you a unique user-experience that you simply cannot live without! AND ALL THIS IS FREE! The new update is ready for your 2012 horoscope. |
説明 Excellent quotes about homosexuality! Key Features: -Excellent user-interface: Simple and fast UI to give a great user experience. -Widget: A beautiful widget. See Widget Features. -Personalization. You can choose between an number of beutiful themes. -Upload. You can upload quotes to a number of platforms; Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Bluetooth, E-mail, SMS, WI-FI, etc -Favourites. You set quotes as favourites for easy browsing. |
説明 The Maleforce Widget will allow you watch video profiles right from the homescreen. How to install the widget: • Press and hold a free spot on the homescreen until the Menu pops up • Select "Widgets" • Browse through the list and select Maleforce Video Widget |
説明 Adam4Adam RADAR for Android, app providing full access to the site for free! It's back!! The number one site for gay, bi, and curious men to meet men, Adam4Adam, is proud to offer RADAR for Android, the app that provides full access to the site for free! Adam4Adam RADAR uses GPS technology to help you find other Adam4Adam members near you! With RADAR you can search for guys down the street, or from across the world. |